V.I.B. - Very Important Bajare
Marketing, design & content, web, event
Industry: Sponsor activation by Hammarby IF
We are now in our fourth fantastic season with V.I.B. – Very Important Bajare. This is a standing sponsorship for Hammarby Soccer Team that we help our client Sefina Pantbank to activate. At Louder Family, we developed the concept, communications, content and strategy for what has become an award-winning campaign and beloved by the target audience.
The goal
Make the target group (hammarby supporters) discover Sefina Pantbank and become friends with it by genuinely contacting the target group, doing something nice for them and making them feel included, for real. By extension, of course, Sefina Pantbank wants more people to discover the bank and its services – including valuing an item there.
What is V.I.B.?
Louder family developed the concept of V.I.B – Very Important Bears, with an electronic V.I.B. card in the mobile phone. V.I.B. plays on the expression VIP – Very Important Person. The concept kicks upwards, with a twinkle in the eye, which fits the target group like a glove.
The campaign site
We developed a campaign page designed primarily for mobile. Membership opens up competitions, discounts and rewards. To get your V.I.B card – a digital membership card directly on your mobile, visit vib.sefina.se. There you upload a photo of any item and get it valued online for free at Sefina Pantbank. In addition, you write a motivation for why you should win great rewards from Bajen, Sefina Pantbank and the V.I.B sponsors. The digital V.I.B. card is personal, numbered and can be saved to your mobile phone’s home screen – easy to find and show at events.
More actions
In addition to the solution above, we also have:
– Created still and moving graphics and wrote copy for various devices in venues (coffin, big screen, etc.)
– Developed social media strategy and content
– Worked with PR and got more sponsors for Bajen, via V.I.B
By also inviting other Hammarby sponsors, we make Sefina Pantbank less dependent on the goodwill of the football club. Instead, an independent campaign aimed directly at Hammarby residents is being formed.
The supporters’ own stories
Some real supporters who are passionate about Hammarby football get to tell moving stories through a couple of short films. Each film ends with a surprise thank you – those who tell their story can receive a personal greeting from the players of the men’s and women’s teams, and have their jerseys signed on the spot.
Popular and praised
In 2019 we won together with Sefina
Pantbank prize for best sponsor activation at Bajengalan. In addition, the
The V.I.B. target group proved to appreciate the concept immensely while
that the concept has led to clear, positive results at Sefina. Louder
Family is pleased to have helped shape a win-win solution. Looking forward to continuing with this!
The new visual identity and how Louder Family has implemented it has completely exploded the brand in the market. Already two months after launch, Louder Family had made sure that Polyver Sweden had broken sales records.
We have helped Polyver Sweden to take the position it wants in the market. We have reached out with the brand on Instagram and Facebook, and also driven traffic to Polyver Sweden’s new website.
Increase in direct traffic to website:
Increase in direct traffic to website:
Increase in direct traffic to website: