Under Armour

Web - Event
Industry: Retail

About the case

Under Armour wanted to reach out to people in Norway and Finland, preferably women, and commissioned us to develop a campaign that would work on social media.

We developed the concept of The Stair Battle, and contacted some of Norway and Finland’s strongest female influencers in fitness and training, to let them become our ambassadors.

The Stair Battle is all about running up and down stairs and competing to see who can do it the fastest. We developed a web app that could search for nearby stairs via GPS, time them and compete against others in the app. People challenged their friends by sharing their time on social media at the touch of a button. The top 10 ended up on a leaderboard.
under armour event
under armour event
under armour event stair battle
under armour event
We promoted the app via Youtube prerolls, ads on Instagram and Facebook in Under Armour’s various channels. At the same time, Instagram and blog posts went out from our influencers urging their followers to try and beat their time.

At the end of the campaign period, final competitions were held in each capital city where people could compete against each other live, win prizes from Under Armour and meet their influencer idols.

The project built loyalty in Nordic countries and clearly shows how to use influencer marketing to truly engage a target audience to become involved with a brand.


The new visual identity and how Louder Family has implemented it has completely exploded the brand in the market. Already two months after launch, Louder Family had made sure that Polyver Sweden had broken sales records.

We have helped Polyver Sweden to take the position it wants in the market. We have reached out with the brand on Instagram and Facebook, and also driven traffic to Polyver Sweden’s new website.


Increase in direct traffic to website:


Increase in direct traffic to website:


Increase in direct traffic to website:

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