Windows 10

Web - Design & content
Industry: Tech

About the case

At Louder Family, we’ve been helping Microsoft and Windows with communications, marketing and advertising for many years. Now it was time to launch Windows 10 in Sweden. Louder was commissioned to activate the launch again.

Since Windows is aimed at everyone, i.e. a really broad target group, we chose to develop a communication concept that could be split up and done slightly differently for each sub-target group. It was important for the advertising to be widely disseminated digitally, and they were keen for it to go viral.

Marketing could be done live at events, disseminated via commercials, social media, YouTube prerolls and image.
Windows 10 lansering i sverige
Windows wanted to tell you that the new Windows 10 is faster, smarter, more secure and better looking. With Windows 10, you get that extra. The goal, of course, was to get as many people as possible to upgrade their operating systems to Windows 10.

We developed the “Upgrade Experience” concept! We chose to do it all with a guerrilla touch, surprising people in unexpected places with unexpected goodies if they had upgraded their PC to Windows 10.

Some of the activities
Vi satte en butler på en busshållplats en regnig dag i Stockholm, och om man hade uppgraderat till Windows 10, så fick man resa med bubbel och jordgubbar i en Limousin istället för med bussen.We put a butler at a bus stop one rainy day in Stockholm, and if you had upgraded to Windows10, you got to travel with bubbly and strawberries in a Limousin instead of the bus. This video was the first in the series, and went viral.

We made the purchase flow and filtering in the webshop smarter and easier to understand, made it easy to value items online to make contact for pawnbroking, and made sure that the large amounts of text meant for Google ranking from the old site, instead became articles that ended up on a separate part of the website with the possibility for search and call to actions.We made sure that it was possible to easily value different items online, and order a Vintagebox once you have decided that you want to pawn your item.We made sure that it was easy to order a Vintagebox when you have decided that you want to pawn your item.

We also redesigned the mortgage system, known as the customer portal, where users log in to view their loans and purchases, to match the new look of the rest of the site. We also integrate the auction calendar on the site.
Sefina needed a stylish, functional customer service chat, and of course we created it!

We also made the editing experience smarter. Sefina’s webshop editors are people who work in their stores, and it needed to be easy to get the tagging right for filtering, as all the products they sell are completely unique. and of course we created that!

See more of the transformation in the documentary below and visit!


The new visual identity and how Louder Family has implemented it has completely exploded the brand in the market. Already two months after launch, Louder Family had made sure that Polyver Sweden had broken sales records.

We have helped Polyver Sweden to take the position it wants in the market. We have reached out with the brand on Instagram and Facebook, and also driven traffic to Polyver Sweden’s new website.


Increase in direct traffic to website:


Increase in direct traffic to website:


Increase in direct traffic to website:

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