Marketing, design & content, web, event
Industry: Environmental awareness
About the case
Is it possible to create a world trend, a new concept and a popular movement out of a rather scattered idea of cleanliness and health? Yes, it works great! Today, Plogging has taken over the world. This is what we did when we created Plogga.
2016: the mission starts
Erik Ahlström walks into our office in Södermalm. He is a trail running guru, he is an ambassador for Keep Sweden Clean and he is dissatisfied. Dissatisfied with how difficult it has been to launch the concept of Plogging – jogging and picking up litter along the way.
The concept is developed
We identify a goal for Plogga: to create a nationwide environmental and health trend – something for companies to get involved in and sponsor, and something for individuals to engage in as a group and be happy about.
– Workshops to identify target groups, strategies and tactics.
– Creating social media strategies
– Developing a graphic identity
What we strive for is a material that gives the feeling of energy, joy, innovation and forward thinking. In addition, mix with important and serious information about the impact of litter in the sea and nature, as well as suggestions for the solution to the problem: to Plog. In addition, we want to replace a common perception of litter picking as something disgusting with something more positive – a “ploughman” should feel fresh, happy and upbeat.
2017: the concept is launched
We work with PR, visit TV4 Nyhetsmorgon, SVT, several newspapers and give lectures at companies. Through Plogga’s Facebook page, individuals can contact us for help in organising Plogging events in their cities. Photos from all plogging rounds are published as content on the Plogga Facebook page. In addition, the Plogga website is launched.
By now, it seems like all of Sweden is Plogging. Plogging has also crawled beyond Sweden’s borders – it Ploggas in India, Brazil, New York, London … Newspapers and news channels from around the world pour in to do interviews with Erik and film Plogging and its founders. In addition, the word Plogga is named New Word of the Year – a sign of the successful establishment of a new concept.
2018: the concept takes on a life of its own
People are showing a genuine willingness to clean up nature and our waterways. Movements are springing up around the world and the concept is broadening – for example, one where people paddle canoes and pick up litter. Others go so far as to pretend to have built the Ploggar movement themselves. We take it as another sign of successful establishment.
2019: Mission completed
The concept is well packaged and its message can now be carried forward without Louder Family’s help. Today, McDonald’s is an official sponsor of Plogga and the chain has also updated its own environmental and health values.
Global differences for the better
Obviously, with the right knowledge, strategies, methods, visual communication and project management, a big difference can be made. Louder Family pushed forward new culture, human power and the feeling of doing something really, really big. Something global.
The new visual identity and how Louder Family has implemented it has completely exploded the brand in the market. Already two months after launch, Louder Family had made sure that Polyver Sweden had broken sales records.
We have helped Polyver Sweden to take the position it wants in the market. We have reached out with the brand on Instagram and Facebook, and also driven traffic to Polyver Sweden’s new website.
Increase in direct traffic to website:
Increase in direct traffic to website:
Increase in direct traffic to website: